

Impoundment of vehicle - All peace officers of the state may, to protect the public safety and under reasonable circumstances, impound a vehicle when the driver fails to provide evidence of financial responsibility.|Impoundment of vehicle - A home-rule municipality, and likely a general-law municipality, may adopt an ordinance regarding the impoundment of vehicles for the offense of lack of financial responsibility provided that such an ordinance is not in conflict with any statute and conforms to any constitutional constraints.|Impounded Vehicle Release - A court would have a basis to conclude that a municipality may not condition release of a vehicle impounded for lack of evidence of financial responsibility upon presentment of such evidence to a vehicle storage facility.|Impoundment of Vehicles Ordinance - A home-rule municipality, and likely a general-law municipality may adopt an ordinance regarding the impoundment of vehicles for the offense of lack of financial responsibility provided that such an ordinance is not in conflict with any statute and conforms to any constitutional constraints.|Impoundment of Vehicle - A court would have a basis to conclude that a municipality may not condition release of a vehicle impounded for lack of evidence of financial responsibility upon presentment of such evidence to a vehicle storage facility.

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