

Government Code section 2001.006 permits state agencies to adopt rules and take administrative action to prepare for the implementation of new legislation, but such rules and actions may not take effect, however, until the effective date of the new legislation|Government Code section 2001.006 permits state agencies to adopt rules and take administrative action to prepare for implementation of new legislation, but such rules and actions may not take effect, however, until the effective date of the new legislation|Tax Code chapter 171, subchapter S is silent on the question of appeal of a denial of a certificate of eligibility, and there is no constitutional violation or impairment of vested property right, so the denial of a certificate of eligibility is not subject to appeal|New tax credit in House Bill 500 of the 83rd Legislature is not limited to taxable entities, thus it may be claimed and transferred by an entity that owns a rehabilitated certified historic structure even if the entity is not subject to the franchise tax|New tax credit for rehabilitated, certified historic structures created in House Bill 500 of the 83rd Legislature, to be codified at Tax Code chapter 171, subchapter S, is not operative until the 2015 tax year|An entity whose qualifying rehabilitated certified historic structure is placed in service between September 1, 2013 and January 1, 2015, may be eligible for the new tax credit but not until the 2015 tax year|Costs and expenses that are \\"eligible costs and expenses\\" associated with the rehabilitated certified historic structure qualified under the statute would be eligible for the new tax credit but not until the 2015 tax year

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