
Dan Morales


Craft or type of worker not listed in public work contract, contractor may hire only if public body has approved the hiring and has determined the prevailing wage rate in advance|Judicial remedy for violation of chapter 2258 of the Government Code available only where public body has determined contractor has violated law but has not withheld enough money from the contractor to make the aggrieved worker whole|Public work contract to remodel university building, applicability of chapter 2258 of the Government Code to|Public work contract, contractor generally must pay no less than prevailing wage rate to workers on project|Public work contract, contractor may hire craft or type of worker not listed in contract only if public body has approved the hiring and has determined the prevailing wage rate in advance|Public work contract, judicial remedy for violation of chapter 2258 of the Government Code|Public-work contract, worker may be paid different wage rates if he or she performs different jobs

Opinion File
