Hospital Districts
Ken Paxton
Terms of office of hospital district directors, determining when two directors receive the same number of votes
Ken Paxton
A person may not serve as a member of the board of trustees of the La Vernia Independent School District while simultaneously serving as a member of the board of the Wilson County Memorial Hospital District.
Ken Paxton
The Tarrant County Hospital District is authorized by subsection 285.091(a) of the Health and Safety Code to structure the managerial and oversight authority of a physician group as it deems necessary to carry out the functions of or provide services to the District.|Whether a physician group formed pursuant to subsection 281.0565(b) of the Health and Safety Code is a "governmental body" subject to the Public Information Act requires the resolution of certain fact issues and is thus beyond the purview of an attorney general opinion.|To the extent a physician group formed pursuant to subsection 281.0565(b) of the Health and Safety Code is not delegated any governmental authority, it is likely not a "governmental body" for purposes of the Open Meetings Act and thus is not subject to its provisions.|To the extent a physician group formed pursuant to subsection 281.0565(b) of the Health and Safety Code is not delegated any governmental authority, it is likely not a "governmental body" for purposes of the Open Meetings Act and thus is not subject to its provisions|The Tarrant County Hospital District is authorized to create and fund a physician group under subsection 281.0565(b) of the Health and Safety Code if it reasonably determines in good faith that the expenditure will serve a public purpose and it put sufficient controls in place to ensure that the public purpose is carried out and that the District receives a return benefit.|The Tarrant County Hospital District is authorized by subsection 285.091(a) of the Health and Safety Code to structure the managerial and oversight authority of a physician group as it deems necessary to carry out the functions of or provide services to the District
Ken Paxton
Maverick County Hospital District - It is likely that a court would conclude that the position of vice chairperson on the board of the Maverick County Hospital District is valid.
Greg Abbott
Applications for renewal of medical staff membership or privileges for doctors, podiatrists and dentists, a hospital district board, as the governing body of a hospital, may not delegate its duty to take final action on|Credentialing, a hospital district board may delegate the credentialing of its allied health professionals such as advanced practice nurses, physicians assistants, and perfusionists or autotransfusionists|Credentialing, a hospital district board, as the governing body of a hospital, may not delegate its duty to take final action on applications for renewal of medical staff membership or privileges for doctors, podiatrists and dentists|Credentialing of its allied health professionals such as advance practice nurses, physicians assistants, and perfusionists or autotransfusionists, hospital district board may delegate the
Greg Abbott
Self-insurance, authority of hospital district to provide funds for self-insurance to charitable organization created on district's behalf|Self-insurance, whether a hospital district may provide funds for self-insurance to charitable organization created on district's behalf
Greg Abbott
Insurance, a hospital district or the private entity that contracts with a district to provide indigent health care may not require an uninsured applicant, as a prerequisite to receiving the care, to obtain|Indigent health care, a hospital district or the private entity that contracts with a district to provide may not require an uninsured applicant to obtain insurance as a prerequisite to receiving the care|Indigent health care, a hospital district or the private entity that contracts with a district to provide may not require an uninsured applicant to obtain insurance as a prerequisite to receiving the care because to do so would be stricter than the Depart
Greg Abbott
Undocumented persons, section 285.201 of the Health and Safety Code permits, but not require, a hospital district to provide nonemergency public health services to undocumented persons who are otherwise ineligible for those benefits under federal law|Nonemergency public health care services, section 285.201 permits, but does not require, hospital districts to provide to undocumented persons otherwise ineligible for those benefits under federal law|Eligibility
Greg Abbott
Operating funds for indigent medical care services, county must transfer to newly created hospital district|Where newly created hospital district does not comprise the entire county and where the statute does not provide formula by which to apportion operating funds for indigent medical care services between county and newly created hospital district, determination of method of allocation lies with the discretion of the commissioners court, subject to judicial review|Discretion
Greg Abbott
Robert's Rules of Order provides that a majority vote is cast by persons legally entitled to vote, excluding blanks or abstentions, at a regular or properly called meeting at which a quorum is present|Harris County Hospital District Board of Managers, voting procedures pursuant to Robert's Rules of Order|Majority vote per Robert's Rules of Order
Greg Abbott
Long-term health care facility, East Coke County Hospital District has authority to operate and levy taxes to maintain and operate|East Coke County Hospital District has authority to operate a long-term health care facility and to levy taxes to maintain and operate it
Greg Abbott
Hospital district, ambulance service, whether required to provide|Hospital district, physician contract|Ambulance service, whether required to provide|Physician contract|Hospital district, physician services contract|Closed meeting, attorney exception|Closed meeting, economic development exception|Employ licensed professional engineer as county road engineer, county commissioners court has discretion under section 252.304 of Transportation Code to determine in the first instance whether it is unable in fact to
Greg Abbott
Private imaging business, authority to house and manage|Private imaging business, hospital district's authority to house and manage
Greg Abbott
Hospital district’s authority to contribute funds to city for a building to house emergency medical services vehicle|Building to house emergency medical services vehicle, hospital district’s authority to contribute funds to city for a|Hospital district’s authority to contribute funds to city for building to house emergency medical services vehicle
Greg Abbott
Services of county clerk in mental health matters, Titus Regional Medical Center which is operated by the hospital district is exempt from paying application fee under section 118.055 of Local Government Code for|Application fee under section 118.055 of Local Government Code, Titus Regional Medical Center which is operated by hospital district is exempt from paying in mental health matters|Application fee under section 118.055 of Local Government Code for services of county clerk, Titus Regional Medical Center which is operated by hospital district is exempt from paying fee in mental health matters|Application fee under section 118.055 of Local Government Code for services of county clerk, Titus Regional Medical Center which is operated by hospital district is exempt from paying in mental health matters
Greg Abbott
Hospital district that has not adopted a rate or levied a tax in the prior year, Tax Code does not provide a special method for a tax rate to be adopted by such a district
Greg Abbott
Sale and lease back of hospital facility, Hospital District’s authority to
Greg Abbott
Charitable organization created under Health and Safety Code section 281.0565 as a \\"political corporation or subdivision\\" under Texas Constitution article III, section 52(a)|Any joint venture contemplated by a charitable organization created under Health and Safety Code section 281.0565 must strictly comply with Texas statutes
Greg Abbott
Maverick County Hospital District, Board member of, not prohibited by Texas Constitution article XVI, section 40(a) from serving the county in other official capacities|Maverick County Hospital District, board member of, whether simultaneous service as a commissioner of a housing authority is prohibited by the conflicting loyalties aspect of the common-law doctrine of incompatibility where the two entities have contracted with each other, depends on whether holding both offices is detrimental to the public interest or whether the performance of the duties of one interferes with the performance of those of the other. Such a determination is a factual inquiry that cannot be resolved through the opinion process.|Maverick County Hospital District, board member of, not prohibited by the conflicting loyalties aspect of the common-law doctrine of incompatibility from simultaneously serving as the Maverick County treasurer|Maverick County Hospital District, Board member of, not prohibited by Texas Constitution article XVI, section 40(a), from serving the county in other official capacities
Dan Morales
Dallas County Hospital District may not become dues-paying member of nonprofit association | Nonprofit association, Dallas County Hospital District may not become dues-paying member of
Dan Morales
Dental clinic, whether hospital district may close and financial responsibility for indigent dental care after closing
Dan Morales
Lease of hospital district building to private dialysis clinic for purpose of providing cost-effective renal services adjacent to hospital would serve "hospital purpose"|Interest and sinking fund, hospital district may not use excess monies in to finance construction of building|Hospital district's authority to lease hospital building, lease to private dialysis clinic for purpose of providing cost-effective renal services adjacent to hospital would serve "hospital purpose" under article IX, section 9
Dan Morales
Hospital district not authorized to reimburse employee for legal expenses (Overruled by Tex. Att'y Gen. Op. No. DM-488 (1998) to extent of conflict)|Representation of defendant in criminal case, district and county attorneys precluded from (Overruled by Tex. Att'y Gen. Op. No. DM-488 (1998) to extent of conflict)|Legal counsel, hospital district may employ to represent district and, if interest of district is at stake, its officers and employees (Overruled by Tex. Att'y Gen. Op. No. DM-488 (1998) to extent of conflict)
Dan Morales
Single member districts, hospital districts created under chapter 286 of the Health and Safety Code may elect all district directors from|Single member districts|By place
Dan Morales
Lease, Chambers County Hospital District may enter into to operate part of hospital facility as drug treatment center
Dan Morales
Redistricting of precincts, boundaries of hospital district established in authorizing legislation as coextensive with commissioner's precincts of county do not change with|Boundaries of Hamilton Hospital District established in authorizing legislation as coextensive with commissioner's precincts of county do not change with redistricting of precincts
Dan Morales
Inmate of county jail, responsibility of hospital district to provide health care for|Inmate of county jail, allocation of responsibility to provide health care for|Health care for indigent inmate, responsibility to provide|Health care, allocation of responsibility to provide for indigent inmate of county jail|Indigent inmates, duty to provide health care for
Dan Morales
Inmate's medical expenses, county, not hospital district, liable for when inmate not indigent|Health care, responsibility for cost when inmate not indigent|Inmate's medical expenses, county liable for when inmate not indigent
John Cornyn
Tax-exempt bonds|Hedge investment|Current refunding|Derivative product|Refunding|Advance refunding|Interest rate hedge contract, hospital district does not have authority to execute derived from its authority to issue bonds
John Cornyn
Peer review committee, evaluation of by governing body of hospital district acting as|Medical peer review committee, when governing body of hospital district acts as|Exemption from Open Meetings Act for governing body of hospital district when acting as medical peer review committee|Medical peer review committee, exemption from open meetings act for governing body of hospital district acting as
John Cornyn
Prevailing wage law complaints, board member of hospital district who is president of local union council not prohibited by chapter 171 of the Local Government Code from participating in "good cause" determinations of|Uncompensated president of local union council who is board member of hospital district does not have a substantial interest in council and is not barred from participating in "good cause" determination of prevailing wage law complaints|Prevailing wage law complaints, chapter 171 of Local Government Code does not prohibit board member of hospital district who is president of local union council from participating in "good cause" determinations of
John Cornyn
Hospital district, closure of district hospital does not relieve hospital district of its liability to provide hospital and medical care|Lease, hospital authorized to lease hospital facilities to private entity for operation of clinic to provide medical care to the district's needy inhabitants|Maintenance and operation tax, hospital district may continue to levy and use proceeds to pay expenses for indigent hospital and medical care after closing hospital|Indigent hospital and medical care, closure of district hospital does not relieve hospital district of its liability to provide|Dissolution election, special law hospital district not authorized to hold|Closure, hospital district authorized to close hospital|Maintenance and operation expenses|Hospital district may levy and use proceeds of maintenance and operation tax to pay expenses for indigent hospital and medical care
John Cornyn
Maximum tax rate, hospital district governed by chapter 286 of the Health and Safety Code may not hold an election to consider raising|Hospital district governed by chapter 286 of the Health and Safety Code may not hold an election to consider raising the district's maximum tax rate|Express constitutional or statutory authority required to hold election
John Cornyn
Dissolution, transfer of hospital district funds to city upon|Dissolution, whether election required to approve|Hospital district funds transfer to city upon dissolution of hospital district
John Cornyn
Tax-exempt, whether building owned by hospital district and leased to physicians for their private practice is|Hospital district that owns building and leases to physicians for their private practice, whether tax-exempt
John Cornyn
Undocumented aliens, pursuant to federal law undocumented aliens are ineligible for state or local public benefits, including non-emergency health care provided by Harris County Hospital District|Welfare Reform Act provides that undocumented aliens are ineligible for state or local public benefits|Aliens, federal laws on admission, naturalization, and residence of aliens preempt inconsistent state law
John Cornyn
Incompatibility of offices, members of board of health maintenance organization ("HMO") established by hospital district are not public officers|Matters involving the interests of both the hospital district and HMO created by district, HMO board members who are members of the board of managers of hospital district must also faithfully carry out their duty to HMO when participating in|Health maintenance organization established by hospital district, HMO board not a governmental body subject to the Act, but its meetings may be subject to the Act if hospital district board of managers members serving on the HMO board constitute a subcomm|Conflicts of interest, members of hospital district board of managers who serve on board of health maintenance organization created by hospital district must comply with chapter 171 of Local Government Code whenever participating in hospital district vote|Board of health maintenance organization established by hospital district not a governmental body subject to the Act, but its meetings may be subject to the Act if hospital district board of managers members serving on the HMO board constitute a subcommit|Vote or decision involving HMO, hospital district board of managers who serve on board of health maintenance organization created by the district must comply with chapter 171 of Local Government Code whenever participating in|Members of board of a health maintenance organization ("HMO") established by hospital district are not public officers
John Cornyn
First Responder|Medical care|Emergency medical services or First Responder services within the boundaries of a hospital district, municipality may expend tax funds to provide through its fire department|Emergency medical services and First Responder services are not medical care within hospital district's exclusive province|Emergency medical services or First Responder services, article IX, section 9 of Texas Constitution does not exclusively authorize a hospital district to provide
John Cornyn
Nonindigent medical care, hospital district contract payments to private hospital organization for|Actual costs|Nonindigent medical care, contract payments to private hospital organization for
Ken Paxton
Authority of a county to use tax revenue to pay a supplement to a hospital district in the county.
Ken Paxton
Section 1069.211, Special District Local Laws Code, authorizes the Nacogdoches County Hospital District to allocate for economic development up to one-fourth of one percent of its annual sales and use tax revenue.