AG Paxton Joins Amicus Brief Calling for Clarity in the Rules Governing Appellate Review of Remand Orders
Texas joined a friend-of-the-court brief led by Indiana, asking the United States Supreme Court to address the question of whether a court of appeals is permitted to review any issue encompassed in district court orders remanding a case to state court...
Attorney General Paxton Joins 17-State Amicus Defending Federalism
This case challenges the City of Pittsburgh’s bubble zone ordinance around abortion facilities.
AG Paxton Joins Amicus Brief Defending Pro-Life Medicaid Program in South Carolina
This case presents an issue of national importance and federal circuit conflict: whether the provider-choice plan requirement of the Medicaid Act is privately enforceable.
AG Paxton Leads Multistate Amicus Urging SCOTUS to Allow People to Sue Corporations in the State Where They Were Injured
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison today led 40 attorneys general in an amicus brief filed with the United States Supreme Court in support of decisions by the Supreme Courts of Montana and Minnesota.
AG Paxton Joins 14-State Coalition in Defense of Religious Liberty
Attorney General Ken Paxton and 13 other states filed a friend-of-the-court brief today defense of religious liberty after a Colorado district court determined that privately owned businesses can be fined for declining to provide services that violate their religious beliefs.
AG Paxton: Baby T.L.’s Right to Life Must be Protected
Attorney General Ken Paxton and Gov. Greg Abbott today filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the Second Court of Appeals, urging the court to reverse a lower court’s order and grant baby T.L.’s family a temporary injunction until the case is resolved to protect the baby’s life.
AG Paxton Joins Amicus Supporting Mississippi Law Limiting Abortion After 15 Weeks
Attorney General Ken Paxton joined Louisiana’s friend-of-the-court brief which was filed with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in support of Mississippi as it seeks en banc review of a law prohibiting non-emergency abortions past the 15th week of pregnancy.
State of Texas, AG Paxton and Gov. Abbott Support Emergency Stay for Tinslee Lewis
The State of Texas, Attorney General Ken Paxton, and Gov. Greg Abbott filed an amicus curiae letter today in the Second Court of Appeals, agreeing with the Lewis family that the Ft. Worth appellate court should grant an emergency stay of the trial court’s order denying the family’s request for a temporary injunction until the appeal is finally resolved and, thus, preserving the life of 11-month old Tinslee Lewis.
AG Paxton Files Amicus Brief with Supreme Court in Support of Louisiana Abortion Law That Protects Women
Attorney General Ken Paxton today filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the United States Supreme Court calling for dismissal of a constitutional challenge to a Louisiana law that requires abortion doctors to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital.
AG Paxton: Texas Courts Must Respect Parental Rights
Attorney General Ken Paxton filed an amicus brief in the Texas Supreme Court supporting parental custody rights and arguing against unnecessary government interference in the relationship between parents and children.