This calendar only uses artwork created by children ages 12 and younger. All you have to do is print out the template and hand it to your child. You can also use an 8”x8” piece of paper.
Are there any tips for submitting artwork?
There are a few recommendations to follow – so that your child’s artwork has the greatest chance of being selected.
Things you should do:
- Draw something you like to do with your dad or mom
- Use watercolors, color pencils, crayons, markers, chalk, pencil or ink
- Dream about something you’d like to do with a parent or friend – and draw it
- Draw something that has never been in the My Sticker Calendar before
- Use the entire 8x11 space
- Use lots of color so your picture will stand out
Things you should not do:
- Use colored paper
- Use metallic paint
- Write words on your drawing – including the name of the month or season
- Trace artwork, sending pictures or copies of drawings
- Use printed stickers, stick-on items or glitter
- Layer paper
- Cartoon or comic book characters
- Fold or crease the paper
- Sign your artwork
- Copy from old calendars
Some great calendar themes are:
- Back-to-school
- Vacation
- Thanksgiving
- Winter
- Spring and any other ideas you might have
Stickers look great when there is only one thing in the picture.
What picture do you imagine for:
- Zoo
- Park
- Doctor
- Dentist
- Sports practice
Please remember to tell us about you, we want to know your name, age, where you live and what you like most. We need your mailing address so we can mail you a thank you note and a calendar.
Where do I send my child’s artwork?
Calendar submissions can be sent to:
Office of the Attorney General
Program Innovation, Child Support Division
ATTN: My Sticker Calendar, MC-038-0
PO Box 12017
Austin, TX 78711-2017
Note: All entries become the sole property of the OAG and may appear in publications other than the calendar. Artwork cannot be returned. Artwork will be reviewed by a committee of graphic artists and OAG staff. The first names of selected artists will appear on the last page of the calendar.