
Greg Abbott


Practice of supplementing income as commissioned peace officer by working off-duty as private security officer is not a violation of section 36.07 of Penal Code, which prohibits acceptance of honoraria by public servants|Commissioned peace officers who are employees of the state or of a political subdivision of the state who are also employed off-duty as private security officers do not violate acceptance of honoraria prohibition in section 36.07 of Penal Code|Commissioned peace officers employed by the state of political subdivisions of the state who are also employed off-duty as private security officers do not violate acceptance of honoraria prohibition in section 36.07 of Penal Code|License and registration requirements of chapter 1702 do not apply to commissioned peace officers who receive compensation for off-duty employment as security officers|Commissioned peace officer employed by the state or by a political subdivision of the state|Benefit|Honorarium|Peace Officer|Public servant

Opinion File
